
U.S. Postal Services Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!

May 01, 2016


U.S. Postal Services Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!

Get involved with feeding America’s hungry!

Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in over 10,000 cities and towns across the United States collect from those who participate in the National Association of Letter Carriers Stamp Out Hunger National Food Drive. Nationally, this is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. The “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive is a nationwide effort to provide food to local food collections and pantries. These stocks are likely to be running low so this drive acts as an aid to help feed those in need every year. The nation’s 230,000 letter carriers will be collecting food donations in more than 10,000 local communities and delivering them to local food banks and hunger relief operations. Last year, despite many obstacles, letter carriers proudly collected 70.2 million pounds of food, raising the total amount of donations picked up over the history of the drive to more than 1.1 billion pounds! Can you help? For more information about “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive and other opportunities to lend a helping hand to people in need in Thousand Oaks and throughout the Conejo Valley, contact Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank today.