
We live in a food desert here in Thousand Oaks.

Feb 23, 2014

Article Archives

We live in a food desert here in Thousand Oaks.

Thousand Oaks resides in a food desert, making it challenging for residents to get healthy food to sustain themselves and their families. The food drives and services offered through Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank are imperative for keeping the less fortunate in the Thousand Oaks area fed.

What is a Food Desert?

A food desert is an area that has few grocery stores and thus fewer grocery options. Residents who are hard at work for the majority of their day cannot commute to these distant grocery store options, or can't access these areas through public transportation. Consequently, residents of food deserts will usually end up eating unhealthy, cheap foods because they have no other options.

How Does Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank Help?

The food bank does its best to get healthy, nutritious food to families that desperately need them but either cannot afford them or cannot access them. For more information about food deserts and how they affect the residents of Thousand Oaks, contact the Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank.