
Welcome to Manna’s “first-ever” Blog Post

Sep 02, 2013

Article Archives

Welcome to Manna’s “first-ever” Blog Post
With over 21,000 people facing hunger in the Conejo Valley, the discussions surrounding hunger issues are surprisingly limited. Through this blog, all of us at Manna are hoping to broaden the conversations and create a greater awareness about the hunger that exists in our area; that exists in every community in Ventura County. We’ll share what’s going on related to hunger relief, what we’re doing to enlighten the community about the challenges our struggling neighbors face every day and the special people who walk along side us. But, don’t expect some random machine to churn out dry, lifeless blog posts. Our dynamic partnership with Stratosphere Marketing, along with the staff and board of Manna will be the real people behind the scenes with real perspectives about hunger in our area. We have no doubt you’ll be intrigued by the diversity of experiences and insight. And, don’t think you’ll be out of the loop, without a voice. Because while our bloggers are great in their own right we want to hear from you so we can create engaging and inspiring conversation to bring about real change. So—if you read something and you have a thought about it, please share it. We WANT to hear what you have to say.