
City Council Candidate Jones

May 17, 2015

Article Archives

City Council Candidate Jones
Candidates for Thousand Oaks City Council Comment on Manna Each of the four candidates for the upcoming Thousand Oaks City Council special election were asked to comment on the past, present, and future role of Manna in our community.  Here's the response from Ed Jones who expressed his active supporter of what Manna is all about. "I’m not an expert on Manna, but I belong to two organizations which support it wholeheartedly – Emmanuel Presbyterian Church and the Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge.  My wife and I regularly fill paper bags with food and donate them.  I have participated in serving of meals at our church and other churches for needy people.  Based on what I do know, Manna is a very worthy organization, they do a lot of good in the Conejo Valley, and many, many people are fed who would otherwise go hungry.  Keep up the good work and be assured I will continue to support you."                                                     Ed Jones via email May 10, 2015 To learn more about Ed Jones, visit his web site at  www.edjones2015.com  or attend the upcoming Candidate Forum to meet Mr. Jones along with the three other candidates for our city council Chaise Rasheed, Dan Roundtree, and Rob McCoy. Monday, May 18, 2015 - 1:30 pm - (Hosted by The Reserve at Thousand Oaks) Location:              The Reserve at Thousand Oaks 3575 N. Moorpark Rd. Thousand Oaks General Information:  RSVPs REQUIRED - Limited Seating - Call: (805) 338-7531. Parking available next door at LDS church (shuttle provided).