
Donate To Manna While Shopping With AmazonSmile!

Sep 24, 2015

Article Archives

Donate To Manna While Shopping With AmazonSmile!
AmazonSmile Donations Amazon is one of the easiest ways to get the items that you need, delivered right to your front door. Did you also know that using Amazon is one of the easiest ways to donate to Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank? When you use AmazonSmile, you get access to all of the same products, prices, and services that you are used to with regular Amazon. However, for each eligible purchase you make through AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of the price to Manna. All you have to do is start shopping at http://smile.amazon.com/ instead of amazon.com, and Manna will get to enjoy your donations! For more information on how you can give back to Manna Conejo Valley Food Bank in Thousand Oaks, California, contact us today!